• Low Maintenance Tubular Battery – Star Plus Battery

ID : 6470

Low Maintenance Tubular Battery – Star Plus Battery

3 Kayode Ogunbanwo Cl, Ikorodu, 104101, Lagos, Nigeria

Price On Call

Type : For Sale
Condition : Good
Warranty : Manufacturer's Warranty
Payment Options : Cash Payment, Bank Transfer, Mobile Payment
Delivery Options : Standard Delivery
Seller Category : Business


Star Plus is one of the leading manufacturers of tubular inverter batteries in Nigeria. Our low-maintenance tubular batteries last up to 6-7 years without any prior maintenance. The strong construction and cutting-edge technology of these batteries result in lower water loss rates and reduced acid stratification. So you do not need to top up your inverter battery with distilled water very often. If you are looking for a reliable power backup, Star Plus tubular batteries can be a cost-effective option for you.

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3 Kayode Ogunbanwo Cl, Ikorodu, 104101, Lagos, Nigeria
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